Friday, July 8, 2011

Fun when not in the parks

Sometimes when you are at the parks all day you need some time to just unwind. Time to take a break from running around and just relax.

I would say the most popular option is to use the swimming pools. And let me tell you the Walt Disney Resorts have some of the best pools in the industry. And I am not just talking about the moderate or deluxe resorts. The value pools are a lot of fun even if they don't have water slides. A lot of fun can be had there. And for you adults that like to partake at least one pool at your resort will be near an outdoor bar. And there is something nice about sitting out by the pool having a drink while that is very relaxing.

One thing that I love to do with people is go into the gift shop and try on all of the hats. I have taken so many pictures of just different people that I am traveling with trying on the hats. It is always good for a laugh.

I have always had a lot of fun touring other resorts. I will take one of the busses to a resort I have never been too and just walk around. Look at the arcade, pool, store, and everything that the the resort has to offer.

A very big time waster is heading to Downtown Disney. I have spent hours walking around the Marketplace and the Westside. I could spend an hour just in the art of Disney store looking at all of the things that I wish I could afford. And if you make it there you will be able to head over to the Ghiradelli chocolate store and get some ice cream with Ghiradelli chocolate. And that is definitely not to be missed.

There are lots of paths and trails that you can always go and explore on. Or try renting a boat or a watermouse and cruise around Bay lake. That is a little more expensive but it is a good way to spend the afternoon.

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