Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My First Post

Well here it is....my first post. I am sure that people like to sit around and carefully plan out what they are going to say in their first post, but that is not my style. I am just going to start typing and hope that what comes out is not just babble.

I started this blog because I wanted to give people a spot where they can come and get away from reality for a little while. Kind of an escape. And while it is an escape for the readers it is also an escape for me too.

You see I am what the doctors like to call "obsessed" with traveling to Walt Disney World. I have been going once or twice a year for a long time now. And I feel like I can't get enough. Not just of going to the park but also researching the park and all of the hidden gems you might find in the park.

This blog is going to give people news and information about all things Disney. But it is is also going to show you WDW through my eyes. And what I like to do. I have been on solo trips as well as trips with large groups of people. So I am pretty experienced with all types of travel. And along with that travel comes a lot of stories.

So this blog will have some informational posts but it will mostly be about me and what I have done. I am excited to start writing more and more and hope that people will be at the very least entertained but this blog.

Thanks for reading and for following me.

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